[3 Minute Read or Listen Below] Just as the new year begins, millions of us declare resolutions, hoping this will be the year they finally stick. Whether it's hitting the gym, eating healthier, or spending less time on screens, the start of a new year feels like a clean slate. But let's face it—resolutions don't work. And there is nothing magical about January 1st. Research from the University of Scranton suggests that 92% of people fail to keep their New Year's resolutions, with many abandoning them within the first few weeks. Why?
[3 Minute Read or Listen Below]
People often assume I live by an unrelenting mantra of constant activity. It’s a fair assumption. After all, my work as a productivity coach focuses on helping others make the most of their time, streamline their tasks, and create systems for achieving their goals. So, it might surprise you that I’ve come to cherish something many people might not associate with productivity - downtime. |
Kathy Muzik