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Spring has sprung in my small dot on the world. What does the onset of Spring evoke for you? Some are ready to shake off abandoned new year resolutions and tackle new challenges. Others find a refreshed sense of purpose around the goals they're currently striving to achieve. No matter what spring signals for you, it is a perfect opportunity to plan your next steps. I love all the seasons we experience in the Midwest. Summer is intense with nature's various shades of green against a gorgeous blue sky. Fall feels cozy with the added attraction of the trees' brilliant color change. After leaves drift to the ground, Winter reveals the beauty of nature's underlying architecture, and the gently falling snow feels magical.
[2 Minute Read or Listen Below] What happens when your productivity increases? You're probably thinking, seriously? What a silly question; you'll get more done. While it is accurate that you will get more done, there is so much more to it. Like most people, you probably feel overwhelmed. Your to-do list won't stop growing. Your email inboxes keep filling up, not to mention your packed calendar and general information overload.
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We often spend much of our time and energy dwelling in the past and waiting for the perfect future while the present moment slips away. Writing this on National Carpe Diem Day is a beautiful reminder to live in the present, as Carpe Diem means Seize the Day. We often place happiness on hold for 'someday,' delaying using new or treasured items or perhaps postponing action on resolutions until next January. [2.5 Minute Read or Listen Below] How often do you think about systematically removing information from your physical and digital files? Several years ago, I worked with a local manufacturing company after a new HR Director came in. She hired me to conduct an Office Renewal Event. During this event, a team has the time, permission, and resources to eliminate anything from the workspace that can be tossed, recycled, shredded, or deleted.
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Getting organized is consistently among the top five most common new year resolutions. So, it's no accident that January is Get Organized month. But I want you to look beyond being 'organized.' January is the big exhale for many businesses after a (hopefully) busy holiday season. You should invest this time, or whenever it's off-peak for your business, to focus on improvements that will pay dividends long into the future. One of those improvements is systems. [2 Minute Read or Listen Below] My holiday season officially starts only after watching the Walt Disney Pictures TV short, Prep and Landing, with my husband. It tells the delightful story of an elite team of elves, known as Prep and Landing, that helps Santa get in and out of millions of homes worldwide in one night. By preparing each site and guiding Santa and his reindeer in for landing, the team saves the Big Guy an incredible amount of time, allowing him to accomplish this monumental task.
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As we hurtle down the runway toward the most hectic time of year for many of us, both personally and professionally, let's take a moment to keep things in perspective. Recently, as I attempted to set my priorities for the day, I became acutely aware of my sense of overwhelm regarding what the next 8 - 10 weeks would bring. That's right. I felt profoundly overwhelmed even with my fancy-schmancy task management system and my weekly review. [2.5 Minute Read or Listen Below] Let's listen in on a quick conversation between a man and a woman. As the woman pulls items from their bedroom closet, the man lies on the bed looking at a magazine. Woman - "..., I cannot do this job without you. Most of these things are yours." Man - "Well, honey, why don't you leave all that junk in the closet?"
[3 Minute Read or Listen Below]
How often do you say to yourself (or others), "there aren’t enough hours in the day?" Time management is a popular term. It conjures visions of stopping clocks and herculean feats of efficiency, squeezing in one more task or commitment. In reality, it's less about managing time and more about managing ourselves and our decisions. We know that ineffective time management results in stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disruption, burnout, low self-esteem, and low confidence. Arguably, nothing we want. [2.5 Minute Read or Listen Below] What does this quote say to you? It tells me in our quest for growth, the best time to act is now. So, what holds us back as we try to improve ourselves? Usually, fear and mistaken beliefs.
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I know this about myself and suspect many can relate - sometimes, I have an all-or-nothing mindset. If I can't complete something from start to finish in one shot, I procrastinate starting at all. [2 Minute Read or Listen Below] A quick Google search of life's top stressors returns arguably positive events such as getting married, starting a new job, retirement, and moving to a new residence. One might expect the positive nature of these events would negate their stressfulness. However, their persistent appearance on stressor lists contradicts this theory. At first glance, one explanation may be these life events create fear or concern about the unknown. A few of these events also involve daunting project management.
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I had a Zoom video meeting scheduled on my calendar. These days, who doesn't, right? Shortly before start time, the person messaged me saying their computer had gone into an unexpected update, they couldn't access the Zoom link, and they would have to reschedule. [3 Minute Read or Listen Below] What do you think and feel when you hear the word "routine"? For some, it brings thoughts of rigidity and mind-numbing boredom. For others, it evokes calm and a sense of accomplishment. No matter your reaction to the word, I promise you - you have routines. You may not have intentionally crafted them, but you have them. When we allow detrimental habits to play out on auto-pilot, these routines can work against us. When we use our routines for good, they create consistency and intention around positive behaviors.
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Many of us are facing a new clutter trap. In the not-so-distant past, working in the office typically provided us access to a printer, making it quick and easy to print notes, meeting agendas, contracts, and more. Many of these documents landed permanently on our desks. After being thrust into work-from-home, another clutter trap emerged. The cluttered computer desktop replaced our cluttered physical desktop. [2 Minute Read or Listen Below] Leadership First recently posted a quote on LinkedIn, attributed to Tim McClure: "When passionate employees become quiet, it usually sends a signal that the work environment has become very dysfunctional."
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Before you even get started, do you hang your head in defeat when you look at your to-do list? I've been there, and no doubt many can relate to that feeling. To-do lists are fantastic for capturing random tasks you think you'll remember, but let's be honest, if you don't write them down, you forget them 10 seconds later. To-do lists help map out the individual steps and the necessary order of those steps for projects. They're a great tool, whether paper or digital, but they can get overwhelming. [2.5 Minute Read or Listen Below] No doubt, you've heard the statistic that humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish. Human attention wanes between 6 and 8.25 seconds depending on whose statistics you read, while the goldfish hangs in there for 9 seconds. The commonly held belief is that technology has eroded our ability to concentrate with continuous notifications and never-ending scrolling.
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Have you ever been so lost in the weeds you lost sight of the bigger picture? At some point, I think we all have. And while attention to detail is important, too narrow a focus often comes at the expense of the greater goal. [8 Minute Read or Listen Below] When you hear the word clutter, what comes to mind? If you're like most people, you envision stacks of unfiled paper, old take-out menus, and closets full of clothes that no longer fit. But clutter goes beyond the physical. It can also accumulate in the form of digital and emotional clutter.
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Those who know me know I'm not a fan of new year resolutions. I've stated before there is nothing magical about January 1st, and far too much emphasis is placed on declaring resolutions. That may sound ridiculous coming from a productivity coach, but I will say instead I am a huge fan of goal planning. You may think they're the same, but they’re not. [2.5 Minute Read or Listen Below] In a post almost two years ago, I confessed avoidance and fear of my weekly review. At the time, I celebrated the completion of an unprecedented streak of two consecutive reviews. Two weeks doesn't sound like an accomplishment, but it certainly was for me.
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Have you ever felt frustrated that things weren't going your way? I talked with my business coach recently, spouting multiple frustrations and reasons I felt overwhelmed. [4 Minute Read or Listen Below] Times of transition can be upsetting, frustrating, and overwhelming. Even if the change is positive, we feel we've lost our footing and cannot regain our balance. A variety of situations can make us feel this way: a job change, a residential move, a corporate acquisition, just to name a few.
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Have you experienced a moment so perfect it's fixed in your memory? I recently found myself absorbed in just such a moment. |
Kathy Muzik